Stay up-to-date with Martha’s Vineyard’s restaurant & entertainment weekend happenings. Best places to eat, water front views, outdoor dining, family friendly options, live music.

There’s a lot happening on Martha’s Vineyard, and we want to help you make the most of your weekend

Where to eat, what to eat, and where to find live music for a good time on Martha’s Vineyard

Dine Out MV delivers weekly suggestions to your inbox for Dining Out and Live Entertainment on Martha’s Vineyard, including Up-Island, and Down-Island venues, and everything in-between. We want your weekends to be fun!
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Where to go for intimate dinners on Martha’s Vineyard, kid friendly restaurants, family style options, and hidden gems with the freshest of fresh local seafood, and after dinner - where to go for live music and dancing.

Dine Out MV brings you weekly updates on Martha’s Vineyard’s favorite restaurants and chefs, and live entertainment happenings too.

Pictured, Sand Bar & Grille, Oak Bluffs Harbor

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Where we showcase the Island’s restaurants, their wonderful food, their chefs, bartenders, and servers.